Beat your foreign competition by using our knowledge
We help Made in the USA manufacturers beat their foreign competition by sharing our knowledge
Welcome to Made in America Research
This website provides the following items to help American manufacturers beat their foreigh competition:

1. Made in the USA Consumer products Market Study

The objective of the Market Study was to determine the key drivers of the Made in USA consumer products market and identify competitive advantages for US manufacturers. The study cost tens of thousands of dollars and took multiple man years to complete.

To accomplish this objective, we used three types of data, Primary Research consisting of our analysis of hundreds of products, Secondary Research that we gathered from other sources, and Surveys we conducted using our strategic questionnaires.

We analyzed the data looking for competitive advantages like, but not limited to barriers to entry, economies of scale, distribution channels and methods, promising marketing approaches, and campaigns that, if revealed to US manufacturers could be used by them to beat their foreign competition. From these efforts, we identified and documented many things the US manufacturer should be doing to beat their foreign competition. We consolidated all we learned into six documents, five Reports and 1 Plan / Set of Instructions. Click here for more information.

2. Strategic Made in USA Search Engine Co-op

Our Market Study found and identified competitive advantages US manufacturers can use to help beat their foreign competition. Provided improvements are made, the study also identified things that had the potential of becoming a competitive advantage.

Improving internet Made in America product search results was identified as having the potential of becoming a huge competitive advantage. Huge because our surveys documented millions of consumers using search to hunt specifically for Made in America products. The study also revealed a large percentage of these search results were inaccurate, incomplete, or both. Our analysis revealed why this occurs and how to improve them. . Click here for more information.

Made in USA Labeling Solution

Our Market Study found and identified competitive advantages US manufacturers can use to help beat their foreign competition. The study also identified things that if improved upon, had the potential of becoming a competitive advantage.

Improving Made in US product labeling was identified as having the potential of becoming a huge competitive advantage. Huge because our surveys documented millions of consumers using the Made in USA mark to help make their purchasing decision. The study also revealed how simple changes to the country of origin labeling of Made in USA products create a competitive advantage for US manufacturers. Click here for more information.